Andenne Museum Space

Article RTBF - Jan 2023 VIVA WEEK-END


The news will no doubt, rightly, increase the pride of the population of the city: the Espace muséal d'Andenne, made up of collections of ceramics as well as prehistoric objects from the excavations of the Scaldina cave, is about to be cited. among the most beautiful museums in Europe! The decision is expected in May.


The idea, as well as the final decision, emerge from the highest European authorities. Since the end of the 1970s, an annual competition organized by the European Council has rewarded museums that show excellence and innovation and that set up systems and activities organized for all audiences.


An interactive journey between archeology and memory

During the visit, everyone will travel through several millennia of human history through modern, fun and interactive technologies suitable for all ages.

The excavations accessible to the public undoubtedly motivated the upper echelons of Europe to recognize the Espace muséal d'Andenne among the most beautiful on the continent. Archaeologists work during the visits, exchange their ideas with visitors and other specialists in the subject at various universities on the planet.


Prehistoric excavations speak to us

The accessibility of research undoubtedly weighed heavily in the selection criteria. When the jury visited the site, the specialists were sensitive to the opening of scientific research to the general public. The work is not done mysteriously behind blackout panels but in full view, everyone being concerned by the secrets that have shaped our lives. A bone, a tooth, since1978, archaeologists scrutinize the slightest witness of the past that will allow them to lift an additional veil on the mysteries of our deep history.

The honorary title awarded in May 2023 will not bring any budget to the structure or the city.


Will Spy's man be dethroned by a little girl from Andenne?

Many discoveries suggest this. In the village of Seclin, several archaeologists from the four corners of the planet stop there to lend their skills to the interpretation of the excavations, still in progress and far from being finished.

In the 1990s, the jawbone of an 8-year-old girl who lived in the Neanderthal period was found there. This was the first eloquent discovery since that of Spy.

A section of the museum area is devoted to prehistory and discoveries in the region.

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